
ReisCie '23-'24

Ola Ramenlappers, 

This year we are 5 students the most fun committee for this fun association: the ReisCie! The 5 of us are going to organize a wonderful trip for you this year. First a short introduction.

Maddy Postma joined the Ramenlappers as an eighteen-year-old cub (now 19), without any experience of student life. Nor did she have any experience with alcohol: who hasn't brought her home once by now? Despite all the wild parties and excesses, she is now fully integrated within this association. Thus, she may call herself chair of the ReisCie. As chair, Maddy tries to keep this rabble in check. As a first year Communication student, (which is not considered a study by the way) she is at the beginning of her student life which she enjoys to the fullest. This is also evident during the drinks, doing a game of beer pong with one drink too many is quite a challenge for this cub. What is known is that the ReisCie is in good hands, because she is a lot more capable sober than what she suggests on a drunken night.

After serving on the MerCie last year, Marieke Oosterhoff has made a move to the ReisCie this year. As the (all but three weeks) oldest committee member, she will fill the role as secretary. She is currently living a civilian life, due to her internship for occupational therapy studies. Committee nights are a welcome distraction. After her internship, the brakes will go out again in January. Returning home in daylight is the rule rather than the exception. She can't take 'bakken' yet, but who knows, maybe this year's trip will change that.

At least should the padel trip go to Friesland we will have an interpreter! With an accountant in the family, our man of the money this year is Tim Haitel. After several years of experience in tennis, which doesn't show off, it's time to master padel. After living in a Ramenlappers house, in April it was time for this slacker to finally become a member. Right now, studying is on the back burner, so it is important to become a major player at the drinks and especially on the trip. After living in Korea for a period and traveling in Asia, this seasoned traveler is ready to make the padel trip a success!

As a new addition to the Ramenlappers, 19-year-old Timo Jolman is activity expert within the Reiscie. Besides being a second year AI student from beautiful Tynaarlo, Timo is also a cook. So at the committee meetings there is a lot of cooking going on, unfortunately in someone else's kitchen because Timo is looking for a room in Groningen. After trying many sports, Timo is finally able to use his talent in padel. As a big vacation lover, he can't wait to organize the trip.

Her name is Annefleur, and although she is not from the Gooi region, she otherwise lives up to her name. After all, (Anne)Fleur Stel is active on the field hockey field in addition to padel, and of course she studies law. Now that "Who can take over my training?" is her most used expression, she has decided not to train next block. Fortunately, this says nothing about her attendance at drinks, because she can definitely be found there. A booze cruise is still on her bucket list, where she can show off her sailing talents as captain. All in all, she will do her best to make the trip a real Annefleur vacation.

ReisCie '23-'24. Above f.l.t.r. Tim Haitel, Fleur Stel & Marieke Oosterhoff. Below f.l.t.r. Timo Jolman & Maddy Postma

ReisCie '23-'24

Maddy Emma Postma (2022) Voorzitter
Marieke Oosterhoff (2022) Secretaris
Tim Nicolaas Louis Haitel (2023) Penningmeester
Timo Jesse Jolman (2023) Activiteiten
Fleur Stel (2022) Activiteiten

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