Board 21-22
Hi all, we are the third board of this incredibly fun and sociable padel club. Where the first & second boards have laid a nice foundation in organizing trainings and competition, we would like to focus a bit more on the social aspect. We plan to organize many fun activities, such as a new members activity, drinks, sparring days and much more! We do all this together with the committees we have established, these are 'the RamenlAccie', 'the Padelreiscommissie' and 'the Toernooicie'.
Bestuur '21-'22
Yvonne Voerknecht (2019) | Voorzitter |
Bram Piersma (2020) | Penningmeester |
Elke van der Wijk (2020) | Secretaris |

From left to right: Bram Piersma, Yvonne Voerknecht and Elke van der WIjk