Become a sponsor?

Why become a sponsor?

The combination between sports and sponsorship is a golden duo these days. Playing sports at G.S.P.V. de Ramenlappers stands for performance, sociability, cooperation and healthy exercise. All things with which companies want to be positively associated.

G.S.P.V. de Ramenlappers is the very first student padel association in the Netherlands with over 270 members, the popularity of padel and our association has grown tremendously in recent years. We play competition three times a year, we have several committees and we also organize several activities. Within our association we look for a solid combination between padel and sociability, which you and your company may also be a part of.

Despite their fanaticism, most of our padel players are studying at the Rijksuniversiteit or Hanzehogeschool Groningen. There are also recently graduated working people within our association. In short, an enormous amount of diversity!

What does sponsoring at G.S.P.V. de Ramenlappers mean? Due to the popularity of padel and the associated growth of our club, this means more exposure for your company. We aim to further develop the sponsorship policy, working with each sponsor to find what fits best based on needs.

Are you curious about the sponsorship possibilities or do you have an idea of your own regarding sponsorship? Feel free to look at our brochure or contact us.

Tel: 0637227925

View the sponsor brochure here

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Sponsorbrochure_2023-2024_1.pdf 2.4 MB

Our sponsors